Author Guidelines

Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts for Tuexenia

Version: 22/12/2023

Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief (Chair) (). All manuscripts are edited by an Associate Editor and are subject to peer review by at least two experts. Based on the reviews, the Associate Editor will make a decision on straight acceptance, preliminary corrections and amendments or rejection, in concordance with the Editor-in-Chief. The date of receipt and the extent of required revisions will be decisive in order to determine whether a manuscript can be published in the currently edited volume or not.

The text (without tables and figures) should be submitted unformatted (without underlines, boldface, indentations, etc.) as left-justified continuous text without hyphenation (1 1⁄2-line spacing, a font size of 12, preferably Times New Roman; pages and lines should be numbered and have a sufficient margin on both sides). Footnotes should be avoided. Authors are encouraged to consult recent copies of the journal on all points of style concerning text, figures and tables. The text should be concise and not exceed 10.000 words. English manuscripts and English abstracts of German manuscripts must be reviewed by a native speaker before submission.

The following cases of formatting are an exception: All Scientific names of plants and plant communities including higher syntaxa are to be written in italics, e. g. Viola tricolor subsp. alpestris, Poaceae, Stellario-Alnetum typicum, Aegopodium variant, Acer platanoides community, Calthion palustris, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea.

ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS should be divided into the following sections:

    1. Title, in English and German (short and concise; only the first word and proper names are to be capitalised).

    2. First names and last names and postal addresses of the authors, ORCID-iDs (optionally), in addition the e-mail address of the corresponding author.

Author contribution statement

  1. Abstract: Each article should be accompanied by an English abstract (max. 400 words). The abstract should include a brief statement of the scientific background, aims and methods of the study, and a summary of the most important results and conclusions.

    Keywords: should include five to ten English words that would be useful when conducting database searches.

    Abstract and keywords are followed by an expanded German summary (erweiterte deutsche Zusammenfassung). This should be more detailed (500-1500 words) and differ in three aspects from the abstract:

    (a) it is structured in the same sections as the main English article,
    (b) it contains selected references,
    (c) explicit references to figures and tables are possible.

    Not German-speaking authors may submit the expanded German summary in English, and the Editors will translate it.

  2. Separate sections: e.g., introduction, study area, material and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, literature.

    Titles must be numbered and structured according to the decimal system (e.g., 1., 1.1, 1.2.1).

    When quoting references in the text, the author and year of publication should be mentioned; “&” should be used in the case of two authors; in the case of more than two authors only the first author should be quoted followed by ‘et al.’, but not in the list of literature [e.g., Tüxen et al. (1972), Ellenberg (1988), Oberdorfer & Müller (1984)].

    Names of authors of syntaxa should be accompanied by the complete date when mentioned for the first time and not given in small capitals (e. g., Crepido-Juncetum acutiflori Oberdorfer 1957).

    The nomenclature of plant species and if possible also of plant communities should follow standard floras and checklists (e.g., Buttler & Hand 2008, Jansen & Dengler 2008 [“GermanSL”], EURO+MED (2006-) and Rennwald 2000, Mucina et al. 2016, respectively) and must be cited. Any exceptions should be clearly stated and explained.

  3. Literature cited: References must be arranged alphabetically according to author names, and chronologically within the same author’s list.

    In the case of journals and series, volume number and pages should be given. Journal and series titles should be abbreviated according to the ISSN standard (see LTWA; list on Note that you find the standardised abbreviations for some frequent second parts of German compound nouns under “-“, e.g. -kd. for -kunde (e.g. Pflanzenkd.). If DOIs are assigned, they must be quoted. In the case of books and series, the publisher, primary place of publication, and number of pages are to be stated. All titles not written in English or German should be translated.

    The presentation should be as in the following examples:

    • Chytrý, M. (Ed.) (2007): Vegetace České republiky 1. Travinná a keříčková vegetace (Vegetation of the Czech Republic 1. Grassland and heathland vegetation) [in Tschechisch, mit englischen Zusammenfassungen]. – Academia, Praha: 526 pp.

    • Dierschke, H. (1997): Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (E1) – Kulturgrasland und verwandte Vegetationstypen. Teil 1: Arrhenatheretalia. Wiesen und Weiden frischer Standorte. – Synopsis Pflanzenges. Dtschl. 3: 1–74.
    • Ellenberg, H. & Leuschner, C. (2010): Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen in ökologischer, dynamischer und historischer Sicht. 6. Aufl. – Ulmer, Stuttgart: 1334 pp.

    • Ellenberg, H., Weber, H.E., Düll, R., Wirth, V. & Werner, W. (2001): Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa. 3. Aufl. – Scr. Geobot. 18: 1–262.

    • Mucina, L., Bültmann, H., Dierßen, K. … Tichý, L. (2016): Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floris-tic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities. – Appl. Veg. Sci. 19: 3–264.

    • Randlane, T., Saag, A. & Suija, A. (2006): Lichenized, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Estonia. – URL: [accessed 2013-08-23].

    • Steiner, G.M. (1993): Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae. – In: Grabherr, G. & Mucina, L. (Eds.): Die Pflanzengesellschaften Österreichs, Teil II: 131–165. Fischer, Jena.

    Additional parts of the manuscripts (separate from the text)

  4. Tables should be supplied in a space-saving order, preferably in the same Word document, numbered, provided with English and German captions. Large tables as well as all relevé tables must also be provided as Excel-files (Times New Roman, font size 8, scientific names preferentially not in italics). Fonts should be large enough to permit (readable) reduction on one or several pages (lengthwise or – as exception – crosswise). If necessary, maximally two oversized tables (more than 12.5 x 20 cm) will be printed and added as loose inserts (supplements) at the back of the volume. In this case the name of the author as well as a short title is to be given in the top left-hand corner of the sheet (e.g.: Meier et al.: Floristic changes of xerothermic grasslands in Central Germany). The number of relevés in a table should not exceed ca. 100.

    Relevé tables must include at least the following data (either as header or separate from the table): plot size (if applicable for all data, it is to be stated in ‘methods’), cover values of each layer, number of species (possibly separated into shrubs, herbs and graminoids, bryophytes and lichens), altitude (in meters), slope in degrees, aspect/exposition, and precise locational information at least for German study areas (topographic map quadrant, Gauss-Krüger coordinates or latitude/longitude coordinates).

    Original relevés from Germany will be included in the national vegetation dataportal for Germany (Veget-Web 2.0, (see Jansen et al. 2015 in Tuexenia 35: 309–319), original relevés from Austria in the Austrian Vegetation Database (, Willner et al. 2012 in Biodivers. Ecol. 4: 333).

  5. Figures: black-and-white or coloured drafts or photos should be preferably presented in the same Word document, provided with English and German captions. Figures must be large enough to permit reduction to the typing area (12.5 x 20 cm). All figures also have to be submitted as jpg-, png- or tiff-files of sufficient quality. Legends should be adjusted accordingly and integrated into the figures. All maps must be provided with scale bars. Legends should be sufficiently detailed to enable the reader to understand the figure without reference to the text. Photos have to be provided with author and date. For maps the source has to be indicated and permission from the copyright owner(s) has to be obtained.

  6. Electronic Appendices: Supplementary material as well as important data which are not essential to understand the content should preferably be supplied as electronic supplement (word or excel file).

Manuscripts which do not correspond to these instructions will be returned.