Tuexenia Volume 32 (2012)
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- diverse (2012): Umschlag. – Tuexenia 32: xx–xx. Online first publication.
[PDF 1.9 MB] - Heinrichs, S., Schulte, U. & Schmidt, W. (2012): Eisbruch im Buchenwald - Untersuchungen zur Vegetationsdynamik der Naturwaldzelle "Ochsenberg" (Eggegebirge/Nordrhein-Westfalen). – Tuexenia 32: 7–29.
[PDF 1.5 MB] - Huwer, A. & Wittig, R. (2012): Changes in the species composition of hedgerows in the Westphalian Basin over a thirty-five-year period. – Tuexenia 32: 31–53.
[PDF 498 KB] - Haveman, R., Ronde, I. d. & Weeda, E. J. (2012): The Rubetum taxandriae ass. nov. (Lonicero-Rubion silvatici, Lonicero-Rubetea plicati), a new bramble association from the Belgian and Dutch Campine. – Tuexenia 32: 55–65.
[PDF 2.2 MB] - Kollmann, J. & Rasmussen, K. K. (2012): Succession of a degraded bog in NE Denmark over 164 years - monitoring one of the earliest restoration experiments. – Tuexenia 32: 67–85.
[PDF 1.5 MB] - Lanvers, J., Sieg, B. & Fartmann, T. (2012): Auswirkungen von Langlaufloipen auf Moorvegetation. – Tuexenia 32: 87–103.
[PDF 596 KB] - Diekmann, M. & Bartels, M. (2012): Das Sumpf-Greiskraut (Senecio paludosus) in Deutschland ? Ökologie und Vergesellschaftung. – Tuexenia 32: 105–118.
[PDF 930 KB] - Hammes, V., Remy, D. & Kratochwil, A. (2012): Untersuchungen zur längerfristigen Etablierung von Corynephorus canescens-Populationen in einem großflächigen Restitutionsgebiet einer Auenlandschaft Nordwestdeutschlands. – Tuexenia 32: 119–140.
[PDF 2.4 MB] - Rudner, M. & Groß, M. (2012): Funktionelle Pflanzentypen für Borstgrasrasen im Schwarzwald. – Tuexenia 32: 141–166.
[PDF 992 KB] - Rosenthal, G., Schrautzer, J. & Eichberg, C. (2012): Low-intensity grazing with domestic herbivores: A tool for maintaining and restoring plant diversity in temperate Europe. – Tuexenia 32: 167–205.
[PDF 3.0 MB] - Schaich, H. & Barthelmes, B. (2012): Management von Feuchtgrünland wiedervernässter Auen: Effekte von Beweidung und Mahd auf die Vegetationsentwicklung. – Tuexenia 32: 207–231.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Galvanek, D., Becker, T. & Dengler, J. (2012): Biodiversity, syntaxonomy, and management - Editorial to the 7th Dry Grassland Special Feature (with a bibliometrical evaluation of the series). – Tuexenia 32: 233–243.
[PDF 1.2 MB] - Ketner-Oostra, R., Aptroot, A., Jungerius, P. D. & Sykora, K. V. (2012): Vegetation succession and habitat restoration in Dutch lichen-rich inland drift sands. – Tuexenia 32: 245–268.
[PDF 1.7 MB] - Jeschke, M. (2012): Cryptogams in calcareous grassland restoration: perspectives for artificial vs. natural colonization. – Tuexenia 32: 269–279.
[PDF 541 KB] - Becker, T., Schmiege, C., Bergmeier, E., Dengler, J. & Nowak, B. (2012): Nutrient-poor grasslands on siliceous soil in the lower Aar valley (Middle Hesse, Germany) - neglected vegetation types in the intersection range of four classes. – Tuexenia 32: 281–318.
[PDF 3.0 MB] - diverse (2012): Festuco-Brometea communities of the Transylvanian Plateau (Romania) - a preliminary overview on syntaxonomy, ecology, and biodiversity. – Tuexenia 32: 319–359.
[PDF 2.8 MB] - Otte, A. (2012): Lore Steubing (1922-2012). – Tuexenia 32: 361–368.
[PDF 199 KB] - Remy, D. (2012): Protokoll der 61. Jahresversammlung am 02.06.2011 in Potsdam. – Tuexenia 32: 369–370.
[PDF 54 KB] - diverse (2012): Bücherschau. – Tuexenia 32: 371–381.
[PDF 175 KB]