Tuexenia Volume 35 (2015)
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- Fischer, A., Michler, B., Fischer, H. S., Brunner, G., Hösch, S., Schultes, A. & Titze, P. (2015): Flechtenreiche Kiefernwälder in Bayern: Entwicklung und Zukunft. – Tuexenia 35: 9–29.
[PDF 1.4 MB] - Freitag, M., Mathar, W., Yurtaev, A. A. & Hölzel, N. (2015): Floristic composition and environmental determinants of pine forests in the hemiboreal zone of Western Siberia. – Tuexenia 35: 31–51.
[PDF 1.9 MB] - Bettinger, A. (2015): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Waldgesellschaften im Saarland (Deutschland). – Tuexenia 35: 53–84.
[PDF 1.2 MB] - Stupar, V., Milanoviæ, Ð., Brujiæ, J. & Èarni, A. (2015): Formalized classification and nomenclatural revision of thermophilous deciduous forests (Quercetalia pubescentis) of Bosnia and Herzegovina. – Tuexenia 35: 85–130.
[PDF 2.2 MB] - Ewald, J. & Endres, U. (2015): Waldvegetation der Sassau im Walchensee: Vergleich von Naturwald und Wirtschaftswald, Insel und Halbinsel. – Tuexenia 35: 131–153.
[PDF 4.1 MB] - Pielech, R. (2015): Formalised classification and environmental controls of riparian forest communities in the Sudetes (SW Poland). – Tuexenia 35: 155–176.
[PDF 2.9 MB] - Strobl, K., Wurfer, A. & Kollmann, J. (2015): Ecological assessment of different riverbank revitalisation measures to restore riparian vegetation in a highly modified river. – Tuexenia 35: 177–194.
[PDF 800 KB] - Kochjarova, J., Škodová, I. & Blanár, D. (2015): Grasslands in the border area of Carpathian and Pannonian regions: an example from Muránska planina Mts (Central Slovakia). – Tuexenia 35: 195–220.
[PDF 3.4 MB] - Freund, L., Carrillo, J., Storm, C. & Schwabe, A. (2015): Restoration of a newly created inland-dune complex as a model in practice: impact of substrate, minimized inoculation and grazing. – Tuexenia 35: 221–248.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Diekmann, M., Müller, J., Heinken, T. & dupre, C. (2015): Wiederansiedlungen von Gefäßpflanzenarten in Deutschland - eine Übersicht und statistische Auswertung. – Tuexenia 35: 249–265.
[PDF 428 KB] - Winkler, E., Marcante, S. & Erschbamer, B. (2015): Demography of the alpine pioneer species Saxifraga aizoides in different successional stages at the glacier fore-land of the Rotmoosferner (Obergurgl, Ötztal, Austria). – Tuexenia 35: 267–283.
[PDF 812 KB] - Dierschke, H. (2015): Jahreszeitliche physiognomische Veränderungen einer Landschaft unter botanischem Blickwinkel, dargestellt für die Muschelkalkgebiete in der Umgebung von Göttingen. Teil 1: Analytische Landschaftsphänologie. – Tuexenia 35: 285–308.
[PDF 1.7 MB] - Jansen, F., Ewald, J. & Jandt, U. (2015): Vegetweb 2.0 - Neuauflage eines Vegetationsdatenportals für Deutschland. – Tuexenia 35: 309–319.
[PDF 565 KB] - Ruprecht, E., Janisova, M., Sutcliffe, L., Boch, S. & Becker, T. (2015): Dry grasslands of Central-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe shaped by environmental heterogeneity and human land use- Editorial to the 10th Dry Grassland Special Feature. – Tuexenia 35: 321–328.
[PDF 1.6 MB] - Acic, S., Silc, U., Petrovic, M., Tomovic, G. M. & Stevanovic, Z. D. (2015): Classification, ecology and biodiversity of Central Balkan dry grasslands. – Tuexenia 35: 329–353.
[PDF 1.9 MB] - Škodová, I., Janišová, M., Hegedušová, K., Borsukevych, L., Smatanová, J., Kish, R. & Piš, V. (2015): Sub-montane semi-natural grassland communities in the Eastern Carpathians (Ukraine). – Tuexenia 35: 355–380.
[PDF 2.53 MB] - Lukacs, B. A., Török, P., Kelemen, A., Varbiro, G., Radocz, S., Miglecz, T., Tothmeresz, B. & Valko, O. (2015): Rainfall fluctuations and vegetation patterns in alkali grasslands - using self-organizing maps to visualise vegetation dynamics. – Tuexenia 35: 381–397.
[PDF 911 KB] - Tölgyesi, C., Batori, Z., Galle, R. & Körmöczi, L. (2015): Plant diversity patterns of a Hungarian steppe-wetland mosaic in relation to grazing regime and land use history. – Tuexenia 35: 399–416.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Pedashenko, H., Apostolova, I. & Oldeland, J. (2015): The effects of livestock numbers and land cover transfor-mation processes on rangelands in the Balkan Mountains between 1947 and 2012. – Tuexenia 35: 417–432.
[PDF 1.5 MB] - Diekmann, M., Kaiser, T. & Müller, J. (2015): Prof. Dr. Hermann Cordes 18.4.1931 - 3.12.2014. – Tuexenia 35: 433–436.
[PDF 287 KB] - Remy, D. (2015): Protokoll der 65. Jahresversammlung am 12.06.2015 in Bernburg. – Tuexenia 35: 439–440.
[PDF 159 KB] - diverse (2015): Bücherschau. – Tuexenia 35: 441–450.
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