Tuexenia Volume 33 (2013)
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- Ewald, J. & Schessl, A. (2013): Kiefer am Scheideweg: Heidewälder in der nördlichen Münchener Ebene. – Tuexenia 33: 9–24.
[PDF 1.1 MB] - Juvan, N., Košir, P., Marinšek, A., Paušiè, A. & Èarni, A. (2013): Differentiation of the Piceetalia and Athyrio-Piceetalia forests in Slovenia. – Tuexenia 33: 25–48.
[PDF 2.7 MB] - Dierschke, H. (2013): Konstanz und Dynamik in einem artenreichen Kalkbuchenwald. Veränderungen in einem Großtransekt 1981-2011. – Tuexenia 33: 49–92.
[PDF 2.3 MB] - Ewald, J., Hennekens, S. M., Conrad, S., Wohlgemuth, T., Jansen, F., Jenssen, M., Cornelis, J., Michiels, H. G., Kayser, J., Chytry, M., Gegout, J., Breuer, M., Abs, C., Walentowski, H., Starlinger, F. & Godefroid, A. (2013): Spatial and temporal patterns of Ellenberg nutrient values in forests of Germany and adjacent regions - a survey based on phytosociological databases. – Tuexenia 33: 93–109.
[PDF 554 KB] - Riedel, M., Schwab, A. & Kollmann, J. (2013): Vergleichende Analyse des Standortfaktors Licht in einem dynamisierten Abschnitt der Donauaue bei Ingolstadt. – Tuexenia 33: 111–131.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Conradi, T. & Friedmann, A. (2013): Plant communities and environmental gradients in mires of the Ammergauer Alps (Bavaria, Germany). – Tuexenia 33: 133–163.
[PDF 1.3 MB] - Magnes, M., Drescher, A. & Nestroy, O. (2013): Zur pflanzensoziologischen Eingliederung von Fritillaria meleagris-Beständen im Grenzbereich von Mittel- und Südosteuropa. – Tuexenia 33: 165–187.
[PDF 1.6 MB] - Schwabe, A., Süss, K. & Storm, C. (2013): What are the long-term effects of livestock grazing in steppic sandy grassland with high conservation value? Results from a 12-year field study. – Tuexenia 33: 189–212.
[PDF 1.1 MB] - Huwer, A. & Wittig, R. (2013): Evidence for increasing homogenization and de-ruralization of the Central European village flora. – Tuexenia 33: 213–231.
[PDF 1.2 MB] - Gregor, T. (2013): Apomicts in the vegetation of Central Europe. – Tuexenia 33: 233–257.
[PDF 836 KB] - Gregor, T., Bönsel, D., Starke-Ottich, I., Tackenberg, O., Wittig, R. & Zizka, G. (2013): Epilobium brachycarpum: a fast-spreading neophyte in Germany. – Tuexenia 33: 259–283.
[PDF 1.1 MB] - Becker, T., Reitalu, T., Ruprecht, E. & Dengler, J. (2013): Dry grassland of Europe: biodiversity, classification, conservation and management - Editorial to the 8th Dry Grassland Special Feature. – Tuexenia 33: 285–291.
[PDF 397 KB] - Kasari, L., Gazol, A., Kalwij, J. M. & Helm, A. (2013): Low shrub cover in alvar grasslands increases small-scale diversity by promoting the occurrence of generalist species. – Tuexenia 33: 293–308.
[PDF 582 KB] - Pedashenko, H., Apostolova, I., Boch, S., Ganeva, A., Janišová, M., Sopotlieva, D., Todorova, S., Ünal, A., Vassilev, K., Velev, N. & Dengler, J. (2013): Dry grasslands of NW Bulgarian mountains: first insights into diversity, ecology and syntaxonomy. – Tuexenia 33: 309–346.
[PDF 9.9 MB] - Rusina, S., Puspure, I. & Gustina, L. (2013): Diversity patterns in transitional grassland areas in floodplain landscapes with different heterogeneity. – Tuexenia 33: 347–369.
[PDF 1.2 MB] - Janisova, M., Ujhazy, K. & Uhliarova, E. (2013): Phytosociology and ecology of Avenula adsurgens subsp. adsurgens in Carpathian grasslands. – Tuexenia 33: 371–398.
[PDF 1.5 MB] - Willner, W., Sauberer, N., Staudinger, M. & Schratt-Ehrendorfer, L. (2013): Syntaxonomic revision of the Pannonian grasslands of Austria - Part I: Introduction and general overview. – Tuexenia 33: 399–420.
[PDF 654 KB] - Willner, W., Sauberer, N., Staudinger, M., Grass, V., Kraus, R., Moser, D., Rötzer, H. & Wrbka, T. (2013): Syntaxonomic revision of the Pannonian grasslands of Austria - Part II: Vienna Woods (Wienerwald). – Tuexenia 33: 421–458.
[PDF 3.0 MB] - Remy, D. (2013): Protokoll der 62. Jahresversammlung am 15.06.2012 in Münster/Westf. – Tuexenia 33: 459–460.
[PDF 283 KB] - Remy, D. (2013): Protokoll der 63. Jahresversammlung am 14.06.2013 in Freiburg/Breisgau. – Tuexenia 33: 461–462.
[PDF 110 KB] - Dierschke, H., Bergmeier, E., Kollmann J. & J. M. Hermann (2013): Bücherschau. – Tuexenia 33: 463–474.
[PDF 205 KB] - Redaktion (2013): Richtlinien zur Anfertigung von Manuskripten. – Tuexenia 33: 475–478.
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